
Bioresonance Scanning (BR-Scan)

Bioresonance Scanning


A Naturopathic Doctor is one who practices non-invasive & non-prescriptive medicine. His job is to educate people about their own health through various testing modalities and then help people heal through the use of natural (non-drug) remedies and / or therapies. (Example of natural remedies are herbs, homeopathics, and nutrition.)
  • Treatment of the Whole person
  • Recognition of the Body's inherent ability to heal
  • Treatment of the cause, not the symptoms
  • Education and empowerment of the patient
What Does Dr. Borden do at Fox Valley Wellness Center/Midwest Hyperbarics?
  • Performs general health assessments for people according to their particular issues
  • Performs oral assessments - how the teeth may be affecting whole-body health
  • Specializes in internal cleansing & helping people with gut dysbiosis challanges
  • Practices drainage therapy - helping people with internal "flow" and detoxification
  • Offers specific & general detoxification therapy (including heavy metals)
  • Uses homeopathic,herbal and nutritional therapies
  • Plays a supportive & complementary role in medical therapies & treatments 
 What is CBRS (Computerized Bio-Resonance Screening)?

It's what's called a type of 'Bio-Feedback' testing designed to obtain a lot of detailed information about the patient's health or specfic health concerns from the patient's own body.

How does it work?
It's basically like a conversation between a patient's body and a computer. Information is presented electronically to the patient from a computer. The body reacts to the information it receives, and the reaction is measured - kind of like a lie-detector test.  It doesn't hurt, is non-invasive, cannot be used to diagnose - but can provide the patient with information that they can't get any other way.
CBRS is very similar to biofeedback and works in two major ways; in determining specific areas of energetic stress within and throughout the body, and in determining interference factors and specific therapeutic needs associated with these areas of stress through a type of 'presentation & reaction' survey.
In determining specific areas of stress within the body, energetic measurements may be taken at various acupuncture points. According to Oriental and European Medical research, acupuncture points are related to the body's organs and organ systems. The computer then measures the degree of electrical resistance at these acupuncture points. these measurements indicate a state of balance or disturbance (stress) at the area of localization and can be interpreted as an energetic indication of the healthy of the area being tested. Only points on the right hand are utilized for measurement and there is no piercing of the skin, discomfort, or electrical impulses are felt during the testing.
In determining specific factors of interference ('road-blocks' to healthy function), along with therapeutic needs associated with these areas of stress, electronic information from a computer database is presented to the body in the form of digital frequency signals through a hand-held electrode. An electrical reaction from the body to this information is then measured in the form of electrical resistance alone an acupuncture meridian. Again, the computer measures the resistance, only this time indicating a compatibility or incompatibility between the body and the information signals. This can be likened to obtaining information from the body by presenting informational 'queries' and then receiving a body-response or 'answer' to those queries. In very little time, large amounts of information can be processed in this fashion due to a computer-assisted process of elimination.

CBRS is perhaps the most efficient means available for obtaining information from the body concerning it's healthy and balance though a type of biofeedback testing.
What is the goal of CBRS?
With CBRS we speak in terms of 'determining energetic stress' within the body namely because: the acupoint measurements are measurements of energy; the computer presentation to the body is given in energetic or frequency form; and the body's reaction to the computerized presentation is also disclosed in energetic form. In other words, we are relying on an intangible intelligence of the individual body to react appropriately to computer-generated stimuli and to express this reaction in the form of varying degrees of measurable energetic output. This energetic output is measured at various acupuncture points. It is the intangible nature of this testing method with some experienced interpretation necessary that makes this method ethically and realistically incapable of indicating a standard 'diagnosis'. It is however, very capable of producing vast amounts of applicable and usable information to the patient that they can choose to consider in their decision-making process.
It is of most importance to note, however, that diagnosis and treatment of a 'disease' or 'condition' is not the goal of CBRS. The goal of CBRS, according to true Naturopathic principle (non-invasive natural health), is to approach the body as a whole, integrated system of parts that are inter-related and dependent on each other; to recognize it as an intelligent system that is always trying to attain balance and health (usually in spite of what we do to it); and to determine through its energetic properties what it needs in order to attain this inherent goal of health. In this model of health, and through this method of testing, the true healer is the body, and we, in our observations, choices and actions, are merely enabling or optimizing its perfect design.

Identifying energy blocks
Your body is a unique system of energy channels that, when balanced and flowing correctly, result in superior health and well-being. Many factors can affect the “perfect flow” of energy, including stress, pollution, allergies, hormonal imbalance, food intolerances, ingestion of toxic substances, and the effects of disease.
Just as every cell phone has its own frequency, so every cell and organ in the human body has its own distinct wave frequency or oscillation. These frequencies can be measured and compared with the frequencies of healthy tissue, which have been stored in graph-form in a databank that has compiled standards based on age and gender. In this way, trained health personnel can measure the energy flow in your body, compare it with the norm, and determine if any blocks are present. Blocks in energy can have a significant impact on your health and your ability to enjoy life to the fullest.
    How would I benefit from the ETA-Scan?
The ETA-Scan is an innovative new computer program that analyzes the effects of quantum mechanics on biological systems. Sometimes referred to as Energy Medicine, many health specialists believe this type of health assessment will form a vital component of future medical diagnostic technique. Developed in Austria, the ETA-Scan makes it possible for trained practitioners to determine the condition of specific organs and better understand the pathological (disease) processes that may be occurring within that organ—right down to the cellular level.
Highly advanced graphics allow the practitioner to see the body’s various organs, tissues and structural components, and to assess their energy, vitality and possible energy blocks. This allows the practitioner to suggest various treatments appropriate for the person’s specific situation. These might include rebalancing of the body’s energetic flow, using the ETA-Scan. Repeat scans allow the practitioner to determine if improvements have been made to the flow of energy.
    A Simple Process
Having an ETA-Scan is a simple and enjoyable process. The practitioner will first make sure that you are sitting comfortably, and are wearing the transducer headphones that will assist in measuring the frequency of your brain waves. You will then be asked questions about your present state of health and your medical history. A comprehensive body scan takes less than one hour and details of your reading are provided in a report that is shared with you at the time of the scan.
Image of the renal system (kidneys) shows areas of reduced energy flow (red and black icons) and areas of strong (healthy) energy flow (yellow).
Included in the nominal fee is a professional assessment of your energy frequency, and suggestions for rebalancing your vital energy. You will be asked to return for a follow up, during which the recommended personalized treatments will be discussed. These may include further use of the ETA scanning equipment for energy rebalancing.
    How would I benefit from the ETA-Scan?
Knowing if you have reduced energy frequency in certain areas of your body may help predict poor functioning before it has had time to develop into a disease state. At this early stage, natural remedies such as herbals and other supplements may be taken to help rebalance the energy flow and stimulate the affected organ or body system.
As an added benefit, if you are taking a medication, or dietary supplement such as a vitamin or herbal preparation, it may be keyed into the ETA-Scan system to determine if it increases or decreases energetic flow. This tells you if the supplement you are taking is actually helping or hindering your overall health and well-being.
The ETA-Scan is used as widely in Europe, where there are over 3,000 practitioners utilising it on a regular basis to better determine the health status and potential of their patients.

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